
Hits: 4,250 Geoeconomics

In today's rapidly evolving global landscape, the intersection of geography, politics, and economics has given rise to a powerful concept: geoeconomics. For Europe, a continent with deep historical ties to global trade and colonial power, the 21st century presents new challenges and opportunities in wielding economic influence to achieve strategic objectives. As traditional geopolitical paradigms shift, European nations and the European Union collectively are developing sophisticated geoeconomic strategies to maintain relevance and protect their interests.

Hits: 4,281 Geoeconomics


The Turks are of Mongol origin, a people far from their original home. They are nomad warriors who adapted to Islam on their way through the Middle East. Having wandered too far to the west, and lost their connexion with the Islamic world, being now surrounded by hostile cultures, the Turks have a real need to make alliances.

Since the establishment of the republic in 1923, Turkey has been a crisis-ridden country, always living on the brink of another military coup (Aydin 2005: 25–56), held together only through great compromises between the ruling classes, in fear of the alternatives.

Hits: 5,660 Geoeconomics

Inspired by a recent article on the modern development of evolutionary and institutional economics (Hodgson 2007), what follows is an attempt to classify some of the main areas within what has been called evolutionary economics, and to say something about how economists, philosophers, and social scientists have influenced one another’s thinking.

Hits: 4,786 Geoeconomics

In this chapter we define a place and scope for the study of geoeconomics. We have previously offered a number of definitions. Here we explore some of the major issues and concepts relevant for the study: the power dimension, systems of lies, its inter- and trans-disciplinary nature, its relationship with evolutionary theory, and differences from both neoclassical empiricism and relativism. The main purpose of this chapter is to show how geoeconomics can be founded in an evolutionary approach by offering an analysis of the development of the study of economics.

Hits: 2,975 Geoeconomics

The end of the Cold War brought a renaissance to geopolitical thinking which coincides with the growth of our multinational enterprises. Since most of the world’s States now share the same understanding of which underlying factors give them more power, focus has shifted to a single dominant issue, economic interest.