
Hits: 8,149 Economics

Nations have values, and they set goals for themselves based on those values. The United States is no exception. Its goals are evident in the supreme law of the land—the Constitution—as well as in its government policies and in the actions of people like you. In this section, you’ll learn how the nation strives both to reach its economic goals and treat its citizens fairly.

Hits: 8,109 Economics

Do you spend a lot of money on small, day-to-day items such as coffee, fast food, and candy, or do you prefer to save up your money for larger purchases? Either way, wise buying decisions will help you get the most out of the products you buy now and will enable you to meet your long-term financial goals. In this post, you’ll learn how to spend—or not spend—your income wisely.

Hits: 5,928 Economics

Most Americans are concerned with the reliability of the products and services they use. Many private groups and government agencies work to ensure the well-being of consumers. Consumers themselves, however, must be well informed about potential issues with products and services they purchase, and they must be proactive in their buying habits. In this section, you’ll read more about consumer rights and responsibilities.

Hits: 7,594 Economics

There are two major types of credit—using credit cards and borrowing directly from a financial institution. Although they differ in their services, they all charge interest on the funds they lend. In this section, you’ll learn about financial institutions, charge accounts, and credit cards—and why you should be aware of the high interest rates they sometimes charge.

Hits: 3,992 Economics

As with every decision in life, when you decide to buy a car, you are going to make a trade-off that involves an opportunity cost. You will have to decide what type of vehicle to buy, whether to buy new or used, and whether gas efficiency or engine size is more important to you, for example. In this section, you will learn about some of the important things to consider when shopping for a car.